31 October 2012

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

(sung to the tune of "Tomorrow" from the hit Broadway show, "Annie")

The stents will go in
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
Dave is done

Just thinking about
Makes him feel so happy that tomorrow
Is the one

Tomorrow, tomorrow
We'll leave here, but not tomorrow
But leaving's only 2 more days away.

Yes, I'm getting a little more slap-happy and goofy as the days wear on.  I am blessed with an intellect that would've taken me through law school or med school or maybe even into space...instead I use it to rewrite show tunes and create crass poems for friends' birthdays.

As you've inferred from the above foolishness, Dave's second heart cath (with stent placement this time) is scheduled for tomorrow at 10 a.m.  His kidneys are about as good as they're going to get, from the creatinine perspective.  He has to drink this horrid medication called MucoMist to protect the kidneys from the contrast dye;  it is apparently a cross between rotten eggs and cow manure.  The nurses even apologize for having to give it to him.

Assuming the stent placement goes well, it is very likely he can go home on Friday, or Saturday morning at the latest. WOOOO HOOOO!!!  Before they'll discharge him, though, he and I have to attend "Heart School" together.  Apparently this is where they will indoctrinate him with the diet, exercise and medication regimen necessary for stabilization of his heart and kidney disease.  I'm told I will also receive carte blanche authorization to nag the stew out of him whenever I feel he has gone astray.  So that'll be fun.

Leaving shortly to pick up children from school then bring them back to the hospital for a visit with Dad.  Then it's back home to hand out candy to neighborhood Spidermen, Batmen, Cinderellas, hippies and hobos.  And to keep an eye out for any miscreants with eggs or toilet paper - my man may not be at the house right now, but actually I'm the one they should be scared of.  I am one mean motorscooter.  Just ask my kids.

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