28 October 2012

Gratitude List - October 28

I gave a good friend some unsolicited but well-meant advice yesterday, and the hypocrisy is hard to miss.

I was told several years ago that the best way to find relief from the gerbil wheel of worry and self-pity is to make a gratitude list.  Doesn't have to be fancy or complex;  sometimes the simple things are the most valuable...as my friend often says, the main things are the plain things.

Since it annoys me to bump into my own hypocrisy, I'll be periodically using the blog to examine those things for which I'm grateful - feel free to hold me accountable if you see more of the gerbil wheel than the gratitude.  (I am probably going to regret that last comment.)

1.  Dave's health crisis could have been SO much worse;  he is hugging us, laughing with us, cutting up with us...and though the heart muscle itself is weakened at the moment, the contents have never been more treasured.

2.  We have health insurance.  (see number 1.)

3.  We have the kinds of family and friends who will drop everything they are doing and come running when the house is on fire, or even when I just think I smell smoke.  Some drive fifteen hours across seven states for a 2-day visit;  some come get the kids at 3 a.m.; some bring meals; some pray fervently; some cut us a lot of slack; some gently nudge me towards truth, some not so gently -  more like a good hard shove; and some who offer to do anything, be anywhere, and just love us until we call.

4.  I have good coffee this morning.

5.  Last but probably most important of all:  I have absolute certainty of the truth and grace of Jesus Christ.  Paul says that his grace is sufficient for me.  Lord, how I love that word, "sufficient".  I don't usually feel sufficient - and, the truth is that I am not sufficient without his grace, patience and unconditional love.

An attitude of gratitude is what I'm choosing to take with me into the day - Lord, please help me to remember the power of gratitude.

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