29 October 2012

No-Go. Rats and Phooey.

Good news and less good news.

The good news is that the Mister's creatinine level has fallen again today (which is a very good thing);  this morning he is at a 2.  The goal was to get him down to a 2 before the physicians felt it was safe enough to move forward with heart catheterization.

The less good news:  both the cardiologist and nephrologist agree that, since he does not seem to be in immediate danger of another heart event, they are going to wait another day to do the heart cath.  If his creatinine has been decreasing every day, then it stands to reason that it will probably stabilize at 2 or maybe even go down again tomorrow.  The thinking is that if it's safe today, then it should be even safer tomorrow.  Last thing he needs is to mess up his kidneys while they're trying to fix his heart.

But the discouragement in this room right now is palpable - this being his sixth day in the hospital.  He has never been an inpatient before (well, except a pneumonia stay when he was a baby), and he is beyond ready to go home.

The kids and I are ready for him to come home too - the three of us have concluded that I would be a disastrous single mother.  The Mister spoils me with hot and regular meals, clean laundry, balanced checkbook, lawn mowed, lightbulbs changed, homework done, discipline doled out...while I'd like to think that I haven't taken him for granted, I'm getting a crash course in understanding how much that I have done just that - for years.

Not kicking myself too hard - my contributions to the health and operations of our household are also of value - but I have a new appreciation for all that he does to keep us solvent and hygienic.

With the cardiologist's blessing, today we are going for a walk around the 5th floor both for a little exercise as well as a change of scenery.  There is only so much t.v. a person can watch before they go completely crazy.

More news and/or general blather forthcoming.  TTFN.

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