02 April 2011

Road Trip

On Thursday, the Mister called me at the office and casually inquired as to my plans for our weekend. I emphatically replied that I wasnt doing a damn thing more taxing than taking Grace to see the Wimpy Kid movie.

The Mister is highly skilled in the art of the pregnant pause, and because my own neuroses cannot suffer more than 6.5 seconds of silence in a conversation, I followed up with "why, is there something you want to do?"

He explained that he just needed TO GET OUT OF HERE!!! for a day trip and he wanted to go soon. Did I mention that the Mister is a stay-at-home dad? Not the sit-in-his-underwear-all-day-and-and-watch-SportsCenter kind of stay-at-home dad, but the kind who does the laundry and packs the lunches and helps with the homework kind. He probably does squeeze in a little ESPN here and there, but I'm down with that.

Anyway, I went with my natural selfish compulsion and said that I didn't really feel like a road trip this weekend, but maybe we could plan one soon.

So this morning was a sunny early spring Saturday, and after I rubbed the little eye boogers out of my eyes, I lay there feeling spiteful and ashamed for not being all giddy over the notion of a family outing. Despite his rhythmic respiration, I poked him with my foot under the covers and said, "you up? I have an idea."

Most husbands will not admit it, but hearing "I have an idea" from the Missus makes them all a little queasy, just for a second. What kind of an idea? they silently wonder. Will it cost money? Does it involve people I don't like?

To assuage his fear, I quickly followed up by announcing that today was, in fact, A Great Day for a Road Trip. Not only that, but I picked the place and had already formed a plan for the day. He crinkled an eye open and said, "I knew you'd come around".

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