25 April 2011

Control Freak

I like being in control of things - as much as I'd like to think of myself as a "go-with-the-flow" kind of gal, I'm actually more of a "what-the-heck-are-you-doing-and-why-didn't-you-clear-it-with-me-first" type. I don't like surprises unless I planned them myself (which throws a kink in the entire concept of surprise), and I think this world would be a better place if everybody would just follow my script.

Life, however, has apparently not read my script, because I keep getting curve balls and unexpected complications. Interestingly, many of these are side-effects of my own crummy decisions and choices, so if I'm even remotely honest with myself, I shouldn't be surprised.

In the interest of sharing some of my recently-acquired wisdom, I am passing along these tips to you, dear reader.

1. The grass is, in fact, NOT greener on the other side. It's all dry and scratchy and brown unless you water it yourself.

2. Don't take a verbal (or email) swing at somebody then be surprised when they hit you back.

3. Don't try to rationalize with hormonal young people. You will probably get farther trying to reason with the cat. Turns out that "because I said so" is a pretty handy rebuttal after all.

4. Delegation = less frustration. Ask for help - otherwise, don't complain about how much you have to do, because nobody feels sorry for martyrs.

5. Pray. Pray a lot. Learn to meditate for at least 15 minutes a day; it's medicinal.

More wisdom forthcoming once it has beaten me into submission.

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