19 April 2011

Beep Beep

Chances are, if you live anywhere north of Atlanta, you have likely been in the same traffic jams that I sit in pretty much five days a week. It's interesting to watch how people divert themselves from the frustration of going 3 mph; I see women putting on makeup and fixing their hair; men having animated conversations with themselves (we can't see your earpiece, so it does actually look like you are shouting at yourself). I see construction workers and delivery trucks and way too many SUVs.

I used to be the person who would rudely travel down the exit lane, only to jump over in front of you at the last minute, thereby saving myself the 20 minutes that you've been waiting to get to that point. It isn't illegal - I checked. I would feel a tinge of guilt for being selfish, but I quickly recovered from each pang of conscience and instead assuaged myself with the belief that "you'd do it to me, too".

Lately, I've been slowing down, listening to good music or inspiring speakers and enjoying the quiet break between home and work. I've also been known to sing! Perspective is a beautiful thing.

On Palm Sunday, our church passed out car magnets that say "Enjoy God", and I had a moment's pause at the thought of me blowing down the exit lane at Mansell Road, then zipping over in front of somebody while sporting my cool new advertisement that I Enjoy God.

Not exactly the testimony I want to share, so I've got a choice to make. Put the magnet on the fridge and avoid the pressure of following through on what I say I believe? Or put the magnet on the car and persevere in becoming who I was designed by my Creator to be?

The magnet is on the car - a day at a time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go girl! I took my church license tag off the front of my car, lest it would be like the subtitle in someone's rear view mirror while I mouth obscenities at them for driving too slow in front of me.... I, too, hate false advertising.