15 April 2011

My New Toy!!

As of Monday, it will have been thirteen years since I told the Mister that I'd be his Missus. This is notable for a number of reasons, but most interesting at the moment is the fact that he remembered it and I didn't. Well, I did, but I haven't gotten him anything yet. It's three days away, for crying out loud.

Tonight after supper, he says "so, do you want your present early?" Present? What present? He got me a PRESENT?? Now I'm all intrigued by this turn of events, so I ask what it is. He smiles coyly and says that I will like it - that it's something I've asked for.

Now my neurons are really firing, because I can't think of what I've been asking for. A car? Liposuction? I can't remember!!

He goes to get his iPad, comes back and sits down at the table across from me, with a sly grin on his face. He says, "well, I guess we will just play Dueling iPads tonight."

I glance over to see that he has a Brookstone box in front of his iPad, and DANG if it isn't the Bluetooth keyboard case I've been eyeing in the catalog. I blink at it for a minute, and he smiles mischievously.

"Is that for ME???" I practically spring out of my chair, seizing the box off the table and giggling like a kid at Christmas. I am so happy! He got me a present! A present that I really wanted! AND he surprised me!

So, of course, as soon as I figured out how to turn it on and pair it up, I had to type on it posthaste. Hence today's blog.

Did I mention that I'm really happy?!?

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