10 March 2012

Springing Forward

Well, it appears that another "winter" has passed in Georgia - I use the term loosely. 

The only significant snowfall in Georgia over the last decade was February 2011...during the EXACT same week that I'd taken the kids to see Ms. Julie and her family in SE Wisconsin - and also so they could see some snow. 

Meanwhile, it snowed six inches back at the house in north Georgia, which is very nearly avalanche-worthy and certainly generated an enormous amount of excitement for meteorologists and schoolchildren alike.  We watched it on the Milwaukee nightly news.  Feh.

Seasons.  I can't say there is a season I truly dislike, as they all have their high points. 

Winter - I do love winter, but not so much when it is just chilly and rainy for four months.  This should not be allowed to classify itself as "winter". This is henceforth to be known as "blecker".  It is bleak and depressing and "blecker" is a good word for it.  You should be required to have at least one reasonably crippling snow event in order to earn the badge of "winter". 

(This one of the many things I miss about East Tennessee - you could always count on Momma Nature for one good snowstorm each January.)

Summer..ah, summer!  Summer is utter joy for picnics with friends and boating on the lake and vacation with the family.  Summer is going to the pool with the kids and making my grandmother's signature ginger mint iced tea. 

Regrettably, I dislike everything else about summer.  I am a round short woman, and I loathe being hot.  Unless you're nekkid in front of a fan, or plopped in the water somewhere, there is nothing pleasant about being hot.  The very best thing about being hot is cooling back off.

Fall...if I had to choose a favorite, I would have to say that fall is my favorite season.  I lived in Tennessee for most of my life, and then Georgia for the last seven, so I am admittedly spoiled by the strumpet October colors of the Southeastern U.S.  I am confident that Newfound Gap or Amicalola Falls on a crisp sunny day before the leaves drop is probably as close to heaven as we can see from this side. 

And then there's SEC football...very nearly its own religion, if not for the fact that most of us have to be up early on Sunday for church.

But spring...SPRING!  How can I be unhappy with spring?!  Forget the itchy eyes and the runny nose.  It is worth it - times infinity - to have my first Saturday afternoon on the porch today, watching the kids on the trampoline and smelling fresh-cut grass.  It is extra-gratifying to have a beautiful spring being birthed on the heels of a crummy disappointing blecker.

So I will set my clock tonight to "spring" forward tomorrow and I am plain old ecstatic to be waking up to a gorgeous early spring Sunday where I get to go hang out with people who love me and love our Savior.

Maybe it gets better, but I can't imagine how that is possible.

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