23 June 2011


The "auto-correct" feature just tried to rename this post as "Cancels". Although I wish I could cancel my cankles, it ain't happening yet.

Ever since I fell last week, my sprained right ankle just keeps getting bigger and bigger. On the one hand, this is distressing, but perversely it is also satisfying.

You see, for the first two or three days post-twist, my foot looked just fine. Just some slight swelling and a little bruising...meanwhile it felt like someone was shoving a hot rusty serrated steak knife up in there if I even put the slightest weight on it. It was difficult to elicit satisfactory sympathy out of my family and my doctor when, by all appearances, it looked just fine.

Now that I am a week out, it's starting to look all fat and purple and scary, but it's actually feeling a lot better. What is up with that?? And why am I now having sympathy swelling in my left ankle, thereby truly creating a full-blown cankle effect? Robbed, I tell you. I've been robbed.

On an unrelated but hilarious note, the auto correct feature adjusts the medication "Flomax" to read as "climax". This made for a fun exchange of texts recently between my sister and my dad, wherein she asked if he'd had his Flomax yet that day. Good thing they've both got a great sense of humor.

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