15 June 2011

In Search of Greener Grass

Just over a year ago, and after several months of bitching and moaning and kvetching, I quit a reasonably good job to move into another side of healthcare. This new job looked quite virtuous and philanthropic and fun; so what if it was a 1/3 pay cut and another 30 minutes further in Atlanta traffic? It was worth it to be able to feel "good" about myself and what I do for a living.

What a schmuck.

Obviously, in the interest of self-preservation and professional propriety, I can't really expand on the assessment of schmuckiness, but suffice to say that the grass I moved to turned out to be Astroturf.

I started beating the bushes about three months ago, once I'd had enough of the yuck factor in my current role. As my dearly departed mother taught me, "do it to me once, shame on you. Do it to me twice, shame on me." Well, after the tenth time of being talked to like an idiot with a hearing impairment, I decided I should look elsewhere for gainful employment.

Long story short, you will just never guess what happened next. My old company that I bailed on last June is welcoming me back with open arms and a great new role that I can't wait to take on!

Am I lucky? Maybe. Do I deserve this second chance? Heck no. Am I blessed? Definitely.

And am I grateful? "Yes" just doesn't do justice to how very grateful I am - to my friends, to my family, to my former/future employer - but most importantly, to my heavenly Father and to His son Jesus Christ. He is the vine; I'm just a scrubby branch who has the intermittent good sense to know that I didn't create this amazingly wonderful life for myself.

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