28 December 2012

Happy News from the Fifth Floor

Tickled to report that the Mister is much much MUCH better today and is probably going to be headed home later this afternoon;  if not today, then tomorrow morning for sure.

After adjusting his medications, giving him a blood transfusion and several bags of IV fluids, and doing an echocardiogram, the cardiologist and nephrologist are satisfied that he is out of the woods and ready to return to the wild. 

His blood pressure is good and his blood sugar is good; and since having the blood transfusion overnight, his hemoglobin count is also good.  He's still a tad anemic, so they're giving him an iron injection and then putting him on additional iron supplements at home.  The nephrologist expressed a little concern that he might be dizzy or tired after being upright, and if that was the case, then they might want to keep him one more night.

Therefore, the Mister promptly put on his shorts and Nikes and we did two laps around the fifth floor - resulting in zero dizziness (and if he's tired, he ain't saying so).

Looks like he's dodging the stolen-oscopy too, at least for today, so no insult being added to injury.

Unless we hear something to the contrary, I expect to take him home this afternoon or evening.  Thank you for the prayers and support!

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