27 December 2012

Deja Vu All Over Again

Here is a loose transcript of some of my thoughts from this morning:

"The Mister sure has been napping a lot lately.  I mean, the man is pretty fond of naps in general, but seems like he's been especially snoozy in the last week or two.  I wonder if...YES, YOU CAN HAVE SOME CHEESE FOR BREAKFAST...

Now, where was I...something about naps...no, I'm not tired, so that's not it, WAIT now I remember I was thinking about how tired my man has been in the last few weeks. Come to think of it, he's also seemed a little 'off', maybe more off than usual..."

Fast forward to around 2 p.m. where I got tired of talking to myself and decided to call his doctor instead.  Long story short, we were back in the emergency room by 3 p.m. 

Because we found ourselves in something of a hurry, I didn't have time to find somewhere for the Girl to go.  And there isn't a snowball's chance in Hades that she would stay with the Boy alone for an indeterminate period of time, so she came along for the ride. 

Big mistake. I couldn't very well leave her alone in the ER waiting area, but it was also rough on her to see her daddy sick and flat on his back with lots of people in scrubs fussing over him.  Thankfully some good friends from the Girl's school were willing to come take her home with them. (You know who you are and I am eternally grateful.) 

After labwork and a chest xray, the ER doc ruled out a second heart attack, but there are other weird things going on now.  His hemoglobin (red blood cell) count is too low and is indicative of internal bleeding.  He is very dehydrated, and his blood pressure is also too low, which explains the dizzy spells.  And his creatinine is too high, meaning that his kidneys aren't doing their job very well either.

In an effort to protect what little remains of his dignity, I won't tell you where they think the internal bleeding is happening, but suffice to say that tomorrow he will probably have something that ends in "-oscopy" and the first part rhymes with "stolen".  He is having a blood transfusion first thing in the morning, and he'll also have an echocardiogram just to triple-check his heart.

So I suspect we will know a lot more tomorrow, and I will pass along updates and/or silly observations as they become available.


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