28 December 2012

Happy News from the Fifth Floor

Tickled to report that the Mister is much much MUCH better today and is probably going to be headed home later this afternoon;  if not today, then tomorrow morning for sure.

After adjusting his medications, giving him a blood transfusion and several bags of IV fluids, and doing an echocardiogram, the cardiologist and nephrologist are satisfied that he is out of the woods and ready to return to the wild. 

His blood pressure is good and his blood sugar is good; and since having the blood transfusion overnight, his hemoglobin count is also good.  He's still a tad anemic, so they're giving him an iron injection and then putting him on additional iron supplements at home.  The nephrologist expressed a little concern that he might be dizzy or tired after being upright, and if that was the case, then they might want to keep him one more night.

Therefore, the Mister promptly put on his shorts and Nikes and we did two laps around the fifth floor - resulting in zero dizziness (and if he's tired, he ain't saying so).

Looks like he's dodging the stolen-oscopy too, at least for today, so no insult being added to injury.

Unless we hear something to the contrary, I expect to take him home this afternoon or evening.  Thank you for the prayers and support!

27 December 2012

Deja Vu All Over Again

Here is a loose transcript of some of my thoughts from this morning:

"The Mister sure has been napping a lot lately.  I mean, the man is pretty fond of naps in general, but seems like he's been especially snoozy in the last week or two.  I wonder if...YES, YOU CAN HAVE SOME CHEESE FOR BREAKFAST...

Now, where was I...something about naps...no, I'm not tired, so that's not it, WAIT now I remember I was thinking about how tired my man has been in the last few weeks. Come to think of it, he's also seemed a little 'off', maybe more off than usual..."

Fast forward to around 2 p.m. where I got tired of talking to myself and decided to call his doctor instead.  Long story short, we were back in the emergency room by 3 p.m. 

Because we found ourselves in something of a hurry, I didn't have time to find somewhere for the Girl to go.  And there isn't a snowball's chance in Hades that she would stay with the Boy alone for an indeterminate period of time, so she came along for the ride. 

Big mistake. I couldn't very well leave her alone in the ER waiting area, but it was also rough on her to see her daddy sick and flat on his back with lots of people in scrubs fussing over him.  Thankfully some good friends from the Girl's school were willing to come take her home with them. (You know who you are and I am eternally grateful.) 

After labwork and a chest xray, the ER doc ruled out a second heart attack, but there are other weird things going on now.  His hemoglobin (red blood cell) count is too low and is indicative of internal bleeding.  He is very dehydrated, and his blood pressure is also too low, which explains the dizzy spells.  And his creatinine is too high, meaning that his kidneys aren't doing their job very well either.

In an effort to protect what little remains of his dignity, I won't tell you where they think the internal bleeding is happening, but suffice to say that tomorrow he will probably have something that ends in "-oscopy" and the first part rhymes with "stolen".  He is having a blood transfusion first thing in the morning, and he'll also have an echocardiogram just to triple-check his heart.

So I suspect we will know a lot more tomorrow, and I will pass along updates and/or silly observations as they become available.


20 December 2012


Back where my mama's family comes from, the word "drawers" can mean those slide-out boxes in a dresser or chest where you keep your clothes or maybe random junk, OR it can mean your underpants.  I think northerners exchange "bloomers" for drawers, but I digress.

This post is not about underpants.

The Mister will tell you that my drawers are terrifying.  (please refer once more to the above disclaimer re: drawers not being underpants.)  They are terrifying because I collect junk in every single drawer that will open wide enough for me to slide something else into it. 

The kitchen drawer:
Random mixed candles
A small hammer
Nine assorted playing cards from two different decks
Scotch, duct, painter's, masking and electrical tape
Rusty scissors that wouldn't cut warm butter
Warranty for the toaster
Four pens with no ink left

The rolltop desk:
Old checkbooks from closed accounts
Ornaments marked down December 28th last year that I forgot about until Easter
Eight copies of each child's school portrait for the past five years (need to send those out one of these days...)
My late grandmother's business cards
More tape
Teeth (yes, I keep my children's baby teeth. So what.)

My bathroom drawers:
Haircare products
Skincare products
Failed lipsticks
Ugly hairbands
Seven tubes of my favorite toothpaste (it was on SALE, for pete's sake)

Dresser drawers:
Drawers (yes, underpants)
Old zoom lens for a Pentax camera I sold in '93

My brain has hundreds of different drawers as well, with labels to identify their contents.  The majority of them overflow with memories of one kind or another;  some joyful, some horrific, some just random snapshots of insignificance like my third grade desk or a long-gone favorite hairbrush.

Other drawers contain opinions, assessments, learned lessons, failed lessons, habits, desires, tastes, distastes, conclusions and questions unasked and/or unanswered.  There's an entire section devoted to faith, and I like adding to it most of all.  I already have more than I ever imagined I would.


Every now and then, someone or something happens and I don't know where to put it.  It doesn't line up with any of my hundreds of existing drawer labels - so I don't know what to do with it.  So I just stand there inside my head, hopping from foot to foot like a kindergartner with a full bladder....wondering what to do with this thing that must be put somewhere, for crying out loud, just put it SOMEWHERE because it hurts and it smells bad.

So it is with Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14th, 2012.  I do have a drawer labeled "To Think About Later", and I've tried to shove it in there a number of times, but it won't stay.  "Evil" seemed appropriate at first, but then "Heroes", "Community" and "Stupid Cable News Shows" confused the issue further.

All the while, the Faith section has been sitting undisturbed against the back wall, in the warm part where all the good stuff is.  It occurs to me to put Sandy Hook in Faith's top drawer...but what if that's not where it belongs??  What if it leaks on all my other faith things and then they all get ruined?

Oh my goodness. 


That is where this needs to go, because it's the only place it can possibly fit.