26 February 2012

Fun At Home

The boy got an Xbox headset at Christmas, and now we are routinely disrupted by indignant shouts from the downstairs family room of "what was THAT for?" and "don't taze me, broski!"

Xbox gives a whole new dimension to playing well with others.

The Mister thinks we should have similar technology developed for the denizens of cable news networks -- wouldn't it be a gas to be online with other viewers, shouting your own opinions back at Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews?


We've recently developed an affinity at our house for Cadbury ice cream treats. They are, quite simply, delight-on-a-stick, and we jealously guard our own share from each other ("you already had yours!!")

As mentioned in the previous post, I am a bit under the weather and have taken to spending more time at rest. I was enjoying my allotment of Cadbury joy a few days ago on my corner of the bed. Now I must mention that, the downside of the Cadbury delight stick is that the delicate chocolate shell is easily broken and you must be cautious not to drop the pieces, thereby missing some of the yum.

A bit later, when I came to my room to retire for the evening, I was dismayed to see a giant brown streak on the sheets where I usually sit. I will let you enjoy the visual for a moment, particularly given the current state of my health.

Hmmm...what to do. Pretend I didn't see it? Quietly change the sheets? No, I did what anybody would do... I bent down to smell it and make sure it was what I thought it was - Cadbury chocolate. I got a damp cloth to clean it up, but it left a smudge that was not worthy of an entire load of laundry. However, in the interest of avoiding any misunderstanding, I made sure to alert my husband that the smear on my side of the bed was most assuredly chocolate.

The unfortunate but hilarious outcome of this little vignette is that at our house we now refer to BMs as "making a Cadbury". ;-)

1 comment:

jgramol said...

Oh these posts make me chuckle!!!!