31 December 2011

Holiday Interlude

Lots of blather this year about who celebrates what and why - be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, yada, yada, yada. If you say, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", should I take offense?

Look, here's the deal as I see it. Just as it is my prerogative to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and immerse myself in the celebration of His birth, it is certainly your right to do otherwise. I am neither judge or jury of my fellow man, and whatever faith or festivity you elect to observe during late December is not my business to criticize or condemn.

However, it IS my joy and privilege to tell you why I believe what I believe. God (as I understand Him) created this amazingly complex, beautiful and terrifying world, then added homosapiens who proceeded to immediately jack everything up. But He loved us and the world so much that He threw us a lifeline - a Son of both man and God, fully divine and fully human.

I believe, and I'm always ready and waiting to tell you why. I don't for one minute pretend that I understand it all, so don't expect me to have all the answers to your questions.

But I know who does, and I would love to introduce you to Him sometime if you haven't already met.

I wish you a Merry Christ-mas, and a 2012 full of hope.

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