24 May 2011

It's All About Gr-attitude...

I am exceptionally gifted in the art of seeing the world through poop-colored glasses. True enough, I suppose I do have a few things to be glum about, but who doesn't? It is a shame to think about the hours and years that I've wasted on feeling sorry for myself. And then feeling guilty for feeling sorry for myself. Quite the vicious cycle.

Since I've been a little more maudlin and dramatic in recent weeks, I thought I would give myself some gratitude affirmations to think about when I'm slipping into a funk.

1. Kids are fighting like crazy these days, driving their dad bananas and fueling my utterly useless compulsion to make everyone happy and kind to each other. Gr-attitude: I have kids and a husband who loves me..

2. It's already too dang hot. Gr-attitude: We have air conditioning.

3. My car is old and has 110,000 miles on it. Gr-attitude: it's paid off and runs great.

4. I am frustrated with a million things about my job. Gr-attitude: I have a job. I also have learned enough over the years in my other frustrating jobs so that my skills and knowledge are fairly marketable. All jobs are frustrating to some degree if you choose to look at it that way.

4. (a) Additional gr-attitude: I have been blessed with many co-workers in my career who are some of the smartest and funniest people I know - and some have turned out to be wonderful friends.

5. I get sinus infections all the dang time. Gr-attitude: I have health insurance and a great primary care doctor whom I love.

6. Sometimes I really don't feel like going to church or studying the Bible. Gr-attitude: I have an amazing church, better than any church I've ever been to in my entire life. And I get to study the Bible pretty much whenever and wherever I choose...there are millions of people in other parts of the globe who don't have that opportunity.

7. Groceries are expensive. Gr-attitude: We can afford pretty much anything we want, when we budget responsibly

8. I don't have everything I want. Gr-attitude: I have everything I need.

9. I have done so many things to be ashamed of that sometimes I can't face myself in the mirror. Gr-attitude: I have been forgiven and every day is a new opportunity to get it right.

10. Major Gr-attitude that is at the heart of all I am grateful for: I am loved, here on earth and most especially by the Creator of the universe, who knows how many hairs are on my head and considers me precious.

Somehow, my glasses just cleared up!

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