03 September 2016

The Good Book

Been thinking a lot about our wedding lately. It truly was a gorgeous rural Kansas day - mid April, warm, and a beautiful clear blue sky. 

I received many gifts that day;  the husband I'd prayed for, a wonderful wedding ceremony, the surprise arrival of my sisters, and a UMW-catered reception (the best kind!). And I had good friends there with me, helping turn the pages for my next chapter. 

Brooke Harrower Hartman gave me not only the gift of her presence as a bridesmaid, but she gave us a new Bible as a wedding gift. 

Over the last 18-and-a-half years, I've learned from it, worshipped from it, prayed from it, yelled at it, cried all over it, hauled it, taught from it, argued with it, consulted it, revered it ... and I've loved it. 

It is a daily comfort to me and is the instrument through which God has made something useful out of the mess that was me.  

Sure, I've had other bibles in my life, and I have some treasured hand-me-down bibles from my parents and grandparents. 

And yes, I know some of my friends think I'm an idiot for making such a fuss over a book. It's just a book, after all. But oh, what a life-changing love story it tells!

And my friend Brookie gave it to me, on the happiest day of my life.  Thank you, my friend. 

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