27 December 2013

My Favorite Gifts This Year

While Christmas 2013 is now in the rearview mirror, it left me with several gifts - both tangible and otherwise - that will stay with me for a very long time.

  • There's my new Sodastream home carbonation kit.  I love fizzy water, and you must read this Amazon review (http://www.amazon.com/review/R3QXLJ8UNCD688) to understand why I had to have one. Consumer awareness tip:  the root beer flavor is nasty, the diet cola smells like battery acid, but the pink grapefruit one and just plain fizzy water are phenomenal  
  • There's my gorgeous and uber-comfy new La-Z-Boy leather office chair;  my lumbar and posterior areas are exceptionally appreciative.  Plus it smells good, and I will look all executive-like in my next video conference with the mothership
  • Not one, but TWO pairs of new Merrells - snazzy dress clogs, plus some happenin' winter weather booties that will be the envy of everyone else slipping around in the North Georgia rain and ice this winter
  • Once I figured out how to get my new FitBit Aria scale synched with the app on my phone and with the computer, I regretted it.  In the very near future, I am sure I will enjoy being able to monitor my weight and body fat fluctuations from anywhere.  But not today, because there is still toffee fudge to be consumed.
  • A loving husband who cares enough to figure out that I need a new office chair even before I did
  • A son who knows his momma's love for the absurd (hence my own "rich mahogany" edition of Anchorman)
  • A daughter whose sweetest gift is always our time together. 

I've gotten something else this season, something I really didn't expect.

Over the last few months, through Thanksgiving and as recently as last night, God has overwhelmed me with the love and companionship of new friends.  While some of us have known each other for a while, we've only lately become close and I am sweetly surprised by the joy these new relationships have brought me.

You see, I thought I'd outgrown (or closed off) the part of me that lets other people all the way in.  Sure, I can talk to a wall, and heaven knows I let it all hang out in my writing.  But the intimacy of friendship - the opening of each others' homes, sharing meals and playing board games and just making each other laugh - these are things for which I didn't think I qualified anymore.  Too old, maybe.  Too private or maybe too uncomfortable and too worried I'd be judged harshly for my girth or my wayward sailor mouth or my schizo home decor.

Yet in His generosity and wisdom, God has seen fit to bless me with sisters and brothers who don't care about my furniture or my weight or the occasional f-bomb (I PROMISE I'm trying).  And I am profoundly grateful.

May I be the blessing to them that they have become to me.

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