27 April 2012


Wonder what the rules are when it comes to establishing the boundaries of "professionalism"?  Who made them up?  Are they one-size-fits-all?  Or is it a subjective assessment based on the preferences of whoever's in charge?

I've been wondering about my own professionalism or the lack thereof.  There are many questionable behaviors which comprise my demeanor, but for the most part, I'd characterize myself as professional.

Pros for Professionalism
  • I do not fart in public.
  • I do my best to call my superiors "sir" and "ma'am".  Most of the time, anyway.
  • I have acceptable hygiene practices.
  • I listen respectfully to others' opinions in meetings and refrain from remarking on the dumb ones.
  • My clothes are usually clean and pressed or at least haven't been wadded up lately.
  • I accept and admit my mistakes and make sure to take responsibility for them.
  • I don't take credit for other people's work.

  • I would rather wear old garbage than pantyhose.  Whoever thought those up is a cruel, cruel MAN.
  • I call everybody honey or sweetie. 
  • I'm a serial hugger, and have been known to kiss people on the cheek.
  • I can easily slip into redneck slang as it is my native tongue.  Y'all can just get over it.
  • I cry, in front of bosses, co-workers, my own team members.  I hate it and do my best to not do it, but once my nose gets red and my chin starts wiggling, it's all downhill from there.

Hmmm.  Maybe not so professional.  But definitely me.

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